We're nine days into our Kickstarter project, and well on the way to reaching our first stretch goal of $10,000 to help fund the illustrated edition. We have already reached just over $2,500, 25% of our new goal! Check out our new rewards, including beautiful miniature letterpress chapbooks of verses by both our beloved Neruda and Emily Dickinson! Kirsten Miles, a member of a Book Arts organization in Charlottesville, Virginia, contributes five miniature books from a collection made by members. She explores the relationship of the book form to the poem with her cover art and unique "windows" and is working on a similar book with a verse from "The Liberators", from the Canto. The second book will also be letterpressed, with arboreal-themed cover art and windows into the canopy of the poem. The Emily Dickinson text is untitled poem #52 in Thomas Johnson's edition: "Whether my bark when down at sea . . ." The Neruda text is 8 lines from Canto IV, "The Liberators". Please tweet and share our project. Join us on our climb! Comments are closed.
Name: Mariela Griffor Categories |