在玛丽拉•格里芙近乎“固执”的叙述中,流亡作为个人生活中的巨大伤痕,向我们展示了其残酷的一面。从而让我们看到诗歌其实是一种修正性的力量,具有治疗人生创伤的作用。而之所以如此认识,在于她的诗用准确的意象,有力的节奏,呈现出瞬间抓住阅读者的磁性。(孙文波,中国诗人,《当代诗》主编) In Mariela Griffor's persistent and almost "stubborn" narrative lyrics, exile as tragedy has presented its cruelest side, and therefore made us see the therapeutic effects in the "corrective" force of poetry to cure personal trauma. We've come to this impression through her precise imagery and powerful music in the poems which are magnetic as well as captivating.——Sun Wenbo, (Chinese poet, Chief editor of Contemporary Poetry in China) 当代国外诗歌译介到中国的文本中,很少见到如此震撼人的作品,作者具有罕见的理性,抒情既有强度又节制,舒缓适度,对经验和记忆的细节处理及其迷人。(蒋浩,中国诗人,《新诗》丛刊主编) In the contemporary foreign poetry translated into Chinese, there is hardly anything this shocking. The author has a rare rational mind. The lyrical voice is both intense and restraint. The details from the experience and memory are handled beautifully and skillfully. ——Jiang Hao (Chinese poet, Chief editor of New Poetry magazine in China) 玛丽拉・格里芙的《房子》提供了流亡诗篇的一个当代样式,诗人在感人的片断叙事中复活了那些与历史事件相关联的个人记忆,她的招魂术有使往昔重临于当下的魔力。这本诗集还昭示读者,诗歌不仅是抒情的艺术,也是抵抗遗忘和疗伤的艺术。(宋琳) Mariela Griffor's "House" offers a contemporary style of Psalms of Exile. The narrative fragments bring to life historical events associated with personal memories making those moments as if happening now. This collections of poems also shows to the readers that poetry is not only an art of lyricism, but also an art of healing resistan to forgetting at the same time. ——Song Lin (Poet and poet-critic from China) Comments are closed.
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